Founded in Sanford, Florida in 1999 by Bishop William Mikler, St. Johns Abbey is a sacramental congregation of Christian missioners and change agents.

About the Name
Our name reflects our location near the historic St. Johns River. It also honors the river of life that proceeds from the throne of God and the Lamb, as pictured in Revelation 22:1. We chose to call ourselves an abbey in honor of the pioneer missionaries who helped establish Western Christendom.

Our practice of the Christian faith is summed up in three interrelated words and practices: Worship, Community, & Mission.

PageLines-sjalogo1.pngSeal: Christus Victor!
The Abbey’s Christus Victor Seal© was created by Lisa Mikler to represent the complete sovereignty of the Lord Jesus Christ over all creation. “Christus Victor” is the way the early Latin Church proclaimed the lordship of Christ.

The overarching vocation of St. Johns Abbey is the service of Christ in every sphere of holy Christian endeavor.

Our Faith
Our faith is Trinitarian, Confessional, Sacramental, and Missional. It is regulated by the inerrant Word of God, the Holy Bible, and guided by the historic creeds of the “one holy catholic and apostolic church.” We embrace the Christ-centered eschatology of victory that aims at the discipling of men and the transformation of nations. We rely on the present work and power of the Holy Spirit. We believe the Church is the kingdom of Christ, the pillar and ground of the truth, and the salt and light of the world.

SJA Web Tools
The information we provide on this site is aimed at edifying and encouraging Christian leaders and change agents. It is our prayerful hope that this information will give “bread to the eater and seed to the sower” (Isaiah 55:10). (Note: We also employ Internet tools to conduct live online Bible studies with disciples from different parts of the world.)

SJA Home Base
Central Florida based Abbey members meet weekly for Word, Sacrament, Prayer, and Fellowship, and offer ongoing encouragement to one another in their respective fields of endeavor. 

The Evangelistic Fellowship of William Mikler
St. Johns Abbey also serves as the evangelistic fellowship of William Mikler, and provides prayer and logistical support for his international preaching and teaching ministry.

St. Johns Abbey is a part of the Communio Christiana, a 21st Century missional Communion within the “one holy catholic and apostolic church” that unites missional Christians on five continents.