Letter from Victor in Brazil

Project Report by William Mikler on

A young disciple’s vision for:
     The Jardim Gramacho Landfill – The ‘Lixão’
     Life Change Projects – Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

Victor’s EMAIL to the Union Church in RioVictor1

Note: Below is a copy of an email sent by Victor Tiziano, team leader of the Life Change Projects Rio team, to the Union Church in the Barrah da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The Union Church has expressed interest in the Life Change Projects’ mission to South America’s largest garbage dump and the thousands of people who live there. We share it with Victor’s permission. (Note: We added the pictures.) †WM

August 26, 2014

Dear Brothers,

Thank you so much for receiving me at the church, I had real joy with the Holy Spirit.

Our brother in Christ, Justino, introduced part of the project to you, and I want to complement him for doing so. 

Life Change aims to serve God fully, following the main commandment of Scripture, to love Him above all things and our neighbor, with all our heart. We are missionaries with hearts that beat and burn for lives. We live and preach love, always focusing on what is the exact translation of what love is: Jesus. Our activities are aimed at Gramacho to supply the hunger and thirst of the families that live there; addition to hygiene, sanitation and combating and prevention of diseases VictorLetter2caused by the accumulation of garbage. But above all these things, we aim to bring education, education and the Gospel message to the 16 000 people living at the dump. We do not fight for charity, but an intense revolution. Concepts, principles and values​​. We yearn for a radical change from the inside out. The charity benefits are  immediate, but temporary. And we understand that only the Gospel—genuine, active, practical, interdenominational, affordable and inclusive—can generate eternal changes. The power of God satisfies the hunger and thirst of the soul and character transforms, renews dreams, quibbles apart, brings dignity and change stories. We are dreaming of a new reality in Jardim Gramacho. A more just and dignified reality in which all honor and glory be to God, for He is the reason this project.

Our main objective now is to build a base so we can feed, teach, give rest, medicate, serve, preach, help, stock donations and receive missionaries that want to help from around the world. 

Please access our webpage www.lifechangeproject.com 

Thank you so much for your support.

Victor Tiziano
Team Leader, Life Change Projects Rio

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